↓ Can we use TrioVita in our vehicles?

- YES! TrioVita Mini can be used continuously in the 1st level inside the vehicle. If extensive disinfection is required, run TrioVita Mini for 5-6 minutes at the 2nd or 3rd level and then ventilate the vehicle. Note: When you can feel the smell, you can turn off the device.

↓ How does TrioVita Mini work in water?

- USAGE FOR FRUIT AND VEGETABLES WITH WATER APPARATUS: Put fruit and vegetables into the washing bowl / cup full of water. Dip the TrioVita Mini's water hose and air stone into the water (there is a small hose with an air stone in a separate nylon). Attach this hose to the short hose at the end of the TrioVita and dip the air stone into the wash bowl / cup. Run at level 4 for 20 minutes.

↓ How to use TrioVita Mini at home and office?

- When using the TrioVita Mini for the first time, or when a guest / customer comes, you may run the unit on the 4th level for 15 - 20 minutes depending on the size of the room. Ventilate the room after turning it off. Once initial disinfection has been completed, we suggest 2nd or 3rd level for later use. You can operate it again at intervals of 2 - 3 hours. If no one enters the room except you and the household all day, it will be sufficient to do it once. Bedroom, bathroom, kitchen etc. the usage in these rooms are the same.

↓ How to use TrioVita Mini in clinics?

- If the patient circulation is continuous but not intense, it can be operated continuously in the 2nd stage. Position TrioVita Mini at an angle, not directly towards the patient or yourself. A distance of 1 - 1.5 meters between you and TrioVita is sufficient. If there is an overwhelming amount of patients, it will be beneficial to operate it higher levels from time to time.

↓ Is ozone harmful to us?

- Much like anything in the world, ozone is perfectly safe -even beneficial- in moderation. Your health is our priority #1. TrioVita Series are designed and tested for maximum effect in safe dosages.

↓ How much ppm of ozone do TrioVita units produce?

- For ppm calculations; there are many variables such as but not limited to room size, pollution level, amount of furniture, humidity, temperature etc.. For reference, we can assume that TrioVita Mini provides 0.04 - 0.08 ppm output for an area of 30 m3. For more information, please contact us.

↓ How much mg/h is TrioVita's output?

- TrioVita Mini Series produce 10 - 300 mg/h of ozone based on the position of their adjustable switch. TrioVita Hercules Series produce 7 gr/h of ozone.

↓ What can I use for a space of ... m2?

- You may refer to the 'Effective Area' portion in technical specifications. For more information, please contact us.

↓ How far away should I place TrioVita Mini from myself?

- You can use it above the height level, at an angle not directed straight towards you, if possible 1 - 1.5 meters away.

↓ Can we run TrioVita Mini continuously?

- TrioVita Mini has the capability to work continuously for 10,000 hours. For your health, you can operate it on the 1st or 2nd level in places that have different people come and go. At households, we recommend that you turn it off after 20 minutes.

↓ Is running TrioVita constantly harmful to health?

- No, but it is still suggested to turn it off when not needed.

↓ How much ppm of ozone is effective?

- Based on scientific articles and our lab tests, amounts of 0.01 pm of ozone and higher are effective to inactivate harmful microorganisms.

↓ How much ppm of ozone is harmful?

- Depends on exposure. TrioVita Mini is designed to operate in inhabitated areas.
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